Improve your self-esteem with Kinesiology

How to improve your Self-confidence and Self-esteem with Kinesiology.


What is Self-esteem?

Self-esteem is connected to your personal opinion of yourself.
People with healthy self-esteem tend to like themselves and are able to recognise and value their personal achievements. Someone with low self-esteem may generally feel unhappy or unsatisfied with themselves. Low self-esteem can lead to depression if not addressed through self-esteem building practices and/or therapeutic treatment such as kinesiology or counselling.

Signs and Symptoms

Do you:

  • Tend to be critical of yourself or others?
  • Downplay or ignore your positive qualities?
  • Judge yourself to be inferior to others?
  • Use negative words or hold on to negative beliefs about yourself? This can include describing yourself using terms such stupid, fat, ugly or unlovable?
  • Use negative self-talk, criticise yourself or blame yourself for things that don’t go to plan?
  • Avoid taking credit for your achievements.
  • Blame yourself when things go wrong instead of taking into account other things over which they have no control?
  • Have difficulty accepting compliments?

All are indications of a lack of self-esteem and that intervention such as kinesiology can help to improve your self-image and your life.

Causes of low self-esteem

Causes of low self-esteem are varied and always depend on the individual’s response to a situation. They may include:

  • Poor academic performance, or inability to integrate a particular learning style. Resulting in low marks and/or criticism from teachers, parents, peers.
  • Relationship problems including abusive relationships (physical and/or emotional)
  • Financial issues
  • Ongoing medical problems such as chronic pain, serious illness or physical disability
  • Mental illness such as an anxiety disorder or depression.
  • An unhappy childhood where influential people were hyper-critical

Long-term effects of low-self-esteem.

Low self-esteem issues are often associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Low self-esteem can affect a person’s life in many ways, including:

  • Negative feelings, persistent feelings of sadness, depression, anxiety, anger, shame or guilt.
  • Relationship problems tolerating unreasonable behaviour from partners or bullying partners
  • Fear of failure, doubting one’s abilities or worth and avoiding challenges.
  • Perfectionism, a person may push themselves and become an over-achiever to ‘atone’ for what they see as their inferiority.
  • Fear of judgement, avoiding activities that involve other people, because they are afraid they will be negatively judged. The person feels self-conscious and stressed around others and constantly looks for ‘signs’ that people don’t like them.
  • Ability to cope. A person with low self-esteem finds it hard to cope or become overwhelmed by challenging life events.
  • Lack of self-care – the person may care so little that they neglect or abuse themselves, for example, drink too much alcohol.
  • Self-harming behaviours, there is an increased risk of self-harm, for example, eating disorder, drug abuse or suicide.

How Kinesiology and counselling help resolve low self-esteem issues.

Kinesiology is a therapy designed to identify and reduce stress on a number of different levels.

Kinesiology helps us to identify the causes of low self-esteem by accessing the many and varied subconscious connections that lead to a state of low self-esteem. By working with the subconscious mind to unlock and integrate past experiences and events we can help the body to let go of pre-formed attitudes and beliefs about yourself.

Incorporating counselling therapy techniques from methodologies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) we can learn new strategies for understanding and coping with stress to help us better deal with future situations.

Kinesiology can help you to learn how to:

  • Learn positive self-talk, that is the ability to treat yourself as a friend. Be supportive, compassionate and understanding towards yourself. Stop being hard on yourself when you make a mistake.
  • Challenge negative ‘self-talk’ stop criticising yourself.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others by recognising that everyone is different and valuable.
  • Open a doorway beginning to accept yourself.
  • Acknowledge your positive traits, accept compliments and acknowledge your positive qualities.
  • Let go of the past, be mindful and concentrate on living in the here-and-now instead of focusing on and reliving past events.
  • Tell yourself a positive message by using affirmations to install a positive message in your subconscious.
  • Let go of worry and fear about the future.
  • Be assertive and communicate your needs, wants, feelings, beliefs and opinions to others in a direct and honest manner.
  • Have fun by making sure that you schedule enjoyable events and activities into every week.
  • Unblock your energetic pathways such as the meridian and chakras by working with vibrational medicine techniques such as acupressure.

Kinesiology works with the Chinese medicine meridian system and the ayurvedic chakra system to balance energy centres using vibrational frequencies such as sound and flower essences.


Suggested kinesiology treatment plan.

When treating emotional stress at Affinity Wellness Kinesiology Melbourne we recommend:

  • An initial 90-minute kinesiology consultation followed by between 3 – 5 standard consultations 1 -2 weeks apart.
  • Further follow-up standard consultations should be spaced between 2 -4 weeks apart or booked as needed.

If you want to find out more about self-esteem check out the Victorian governments Better Health Channel.

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