Mindfulness Meditation
What is Meditation?:
Mindful meditation is the intentional focusing of attention to exercise the mind in:
- awareness
- focus
- concentration
- self-compassion.
The purpose of the practice is to make the mind calm and clear to find yourself free from worry and create the opportunity to experience equilibrium and true happiness.
There are many ways to meditate, including focus on:
- the breath
- sensations in the body
- sound or mantra
- movement
Mindfulness and meditation are not about sitting still with your eyes closed!
Meditation can be done sitting still, moving around or participating in an activity such as yoga while maintaining self-awareness.
My Approach to Meditation:
My interest is in teaching you how to meditate effectively based on your personal needs.
My method addresses the important pillars of meditation and mindfulness.
All forms of meditation, including dance, yoga, singing and movement, fit into this model.
I aim to help you learn a style of meditation that works for you so that you can confidently grow your meditation practice into a structure that works for you anytime, anywhere.
Benefits of Meditation:
Regular meditation offers many health benefits, including reduced stress and anxiety.
In addition, it helps settle the mind in ways that promote a sense of calm and heightened awareness.
Meditation and mindfulness practice can have the following benefits, which include:
- Improved concentration, focus and productivity
- Improved awareness
- Improved cognitive development
- Reduction of stress and anxiety
- Balances hormones and weight management
- Improved sleep
- Improved self-confidence
- Enhanced levels of self-love and compassion.
- The ability to live and act with deliberate intent.
Most of us find it difficult to master our mind. We allow it to run rampant throughout our day, diverting our attention from the moment to focus on the future, past or on thoughts, judgements and fears.
If we train our minds in meditation, we will gradually become more peaceful and happier.
Meditate with Me
Trial my ‘Learn to Meditate with the Breath’ recording on Sound Cloud.
Meditation and Me 8 Week Program
or book in a complimentary 20 minute discovery session to chat about the program.