
The Power of Gratitude

White Desert Egypt 2020

The Power of Gratitude. Gratitude is one of the most effective spiritual practices accessible to us all. It enhances our Continue Reading →

How to Re-wire your brain to achieve Happiness

re-wire your brain for happiness

You can re-wire your Brain for Happiness Looking for Happiness? Whether you have more happy or sad thoughts depends on Continue Reading →

Common blocks that are stopping you from manifesting the life of your dreams.

The Law of attraction

Common blocks that stop you from manifesting the life of your dreams. If you have seen The Secret or you Continue Reading →

The Write Therapy | Writing for Happiness and Health


Be your own Therapist and Write One of my favourite parts of a kinesiology session is when I get to Continue Reading →

Kinesiology Article Published in Living Now Magazine.

Kinesiology Article Please see below for a copy of an article on kinesiology written for Living Now Magazine Australia January Continue Reading →

Book review | Change Your Thinking by Sarah Edelman

Change your thinking by Sarah Edelman is one of my favourite resources. I first picked it up at a bookstore Continue Reading →

Working with Affirmations

Kinesiology affirmations

Kinesiology and working with Affirmations Affirmations have been around in a number of forms throughout history. They are a powerful Continue Reading →