
Common blocks that are stopping you from manifesting the life of your dreams.

The Law of attraction

Common blocks that stop you from manifesting the life of your dreams. If you have seen The Secret or you Continue Reading →

The Write Therapy | Writing for Happiness and Health


Be your own Therapist and Write One of my favourite parts of a kinesiology session is when I get to Continue Reading →

Kinesiology for Depression

kinesiology for depression

Kinesiology for Depression Kinesiology is incredibly effective in the treatment of depression. When combined with counselling during the session it Continue Reading →

Can you Kinesiology Muscle Test yourself? (Video included)

Kinesiology St Kilda

Can you use Kinesiology to Muscle Test yourself? Why should I learn to muscle test myself? The body can act Continue Reading →

Astrology and Kinesiology

Astrology and Kinesiology Know Thy Self  ~Socrates I began formally studying Astrology to complement my kinesiology practice in 2008. I Continue Reading →

A life practice. What being a kinesiologist has taught me

Kinesiology muscle test

What being a kinesiologist has taught me. How I became a kinesiologist: I discovered kinesiology in 2005 when I, like Continue Reading →

7 ways to balance your chakras and free yourself from stress.

Chakras kinesiology melbourne

7 ways to balance your chakras. Your 7 major chakras key points of energy located at 7 key sites on Continue Reading →

Clear clutter from your mind with kinesiology

Clear clutter from your mind with kinesiology. What is Mind-Clutter? Mind clutter (similar to clutter in your home or email Continue Reading →

Improve your self-esteem with Kinesiology


How to improve your Self-confidence and Self-esteem with Kinesiology. What is Self-esteem? Self-esteem is connected to your personal opinion of Continue Reading →

Kinesiology for Weight Loss

Why you should include Kinesiology as part of your Weight Loss Plan. Weight loss and weight management is much more complex Continue Reading →