
How to step into self-love and manifest the life of your dreams.

Me dancing at World Bellydance day Melbourne, 2011

Step into your self-love and manifest the life of your dreams Manifestation is creation that happens when you align your Continue Reading →

Show some self-respect


Self-respect is the regard or the esteem that we hold ourselves in. Essentially, it’s how highly we see ourselves in Continue Reading →

Finding Your Self-Love


Finding your Self-love Self-love is a sense of appreciation that you can develop for yourself by supporting your physical, emotional, Continue Reading →

Worry Less, Live More.


  How to Worry Less and Live More. Worry causes stress, and there is no denying that stress is bad Continue Reading →

Building Self-Esteem

self-esteem kinesiology

Building Self-Esteem Self-esteem is a basic human need. It helps us cope with life’s difficulties and helps us feel good Continue Reading →