
How to step into self-love and manifest the life of your dreams.

Me dancing at World Bellydance day Melbourne, 2011

Step into your self-love and manifest the life of your dreams Manifestation is creation that happens when you align your Continue Reading →

Ajna, Balancing the Brow Chakra with Kinesiology

Ajna, the Brow Chakra. Location Ajna is also known as the brow chakra, third-eye or the sixth chakra and can Continue Reading →

Vishuddha, The Throat Chakra

Vishuddha, the Throat Chakra. Location Vishuddha is also known as the throat, or the fifth chakra and can be located Continue Reading →

Manipura the Solar Plexus Chakra

Manipura, the Solar Plexus Chakra. Location Manipura is also known as the solar plexus, or the third chakra and can Continue Reading →

Svadisthana the Sacral Chakra

Svadisthana Sacral Chakra

  Svadisthana, the Sacral Chakra. The Svadisthana is also known as the second chakra or sacral chakra. It is linked Continue Reading →

Muladhara the Root Chakra

Muladhara the Root Chakra

Muladhara, the Root Chakra. Muladhara is also known as the First chakra, Base chakra or Root chakra. Location It is Continue Reading →

Kinesiology and Yoga


Kinesiology can enhance your Yoga practice. As a trained sports kinesiologist I often find myself recommending asana (yoga postures) or Continue Reading →

Astrology and Kinesiology

Astrology and Kinesiology Know Thy Self  ~Socrates I began formally studying Astrology to complement my kinesiology practice in 2008. I Continue Reading →

7 ways to balance your chakras and free yourself from stress.

Chakras kinesiology melbourne

7 ways to balance your chakras. Your 7 major chakras key points of energy located at 7 key sites on Continue Reading →

5 Reasons to see a Kinesiologist

Should you see a kinesiologist? There’s a common belief that people pursue therapy because there is something ‘wrong’ with them. The fact Continue Reading →