
Finding Your Self-Love


Finding your Self-love Self-love is a sense of appreciation that you can develop for yourself by supporting your physical, emotional, Continue Reading →

Cultivating Happiness

developing happiness kinesiology toorak

Cultivating Happiness. Happiness is something that we all wish to experience for our lives. For centuries seekers have been trying Continue Reading →

Kinesiology for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Kinesiology for PTSD

Kinesiology for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Kinesiology is effective in the treatment of PTSD, and when combined with counselling Continue Reading →

Ajna, Balancing the Brow Chakra with Kinesiology

Ajna, the Brow Chakra. Location Ajna is also known as the brow chakra, third-eye or the sixth chakra and can Continue Reading →

Cortisol, the Stress Hormone.

Cortisol, the stress hormone. Cortisol is a steroid released from the adrenal glands during the fight-or-flight response (stress response). Chronic Continue Reading →

Kinesiology for Depression

kinesiology for depression

Kinesiology for Depression Kinesiology is incredibly effective in the treatment of depression. When combined with counselling during the session it Continue Reading →